Total Funding: $6,418,257 share
2025 Funding
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) 07/2025 – 06/2026 $50,000 Efficient Conversion of Food Waste to Consumer Bioplastic Products, funded by the Proof-of-Concept program in LAUNCH Center for New Ventures, along with Young Kim and Haibo Huang from Virginia Tech, $50,000 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) 1/1/2025-12/31/2027 $20,000 Production of oligosaccharides from underutilized brewer’s spent grain as aquacultural prebiotics to enhance fish growth and health, funded by Virginia Tech Pratt Foundation, along with Haibo Huang (PI), David Kuhn, Michael Schawarz, Yiming Feng, Ann Stevens, and Mohammad Zarei from Virginia Tech $203,000 in total.
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) 1/1/2025-12/31/2027 $20,000 Data-driven precise biofloc formation in aquaculture for enhanced production and fish health, funded by Virginia Tech Pratt Foundation, along with Yiming Feng (PI), Michael Schwarz, and Taozhu Sun from Virginia Tech, $125,000 in total.
2024 Funding: $1,311,360 share
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) 02/2025 – 01/2027 $500,000 Continuous biomanufacturing of high value products from food waste, funded by BioMade, along with Andrew Magyar (PI) from Capra Biosciences, $1,500,000 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) 01/25-12/25 $50,000 Breaking the Forever PFAS Cycle: Recycle Stream Treatment to Reduce PFAS Loading to WRRF influent and Biosolids, funded by Water Research Foundation, along with Malcom Taylor (PI) from WSSC Water. $150,000 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) 01/25-12/25 $40,000 Electrochemical-Driven Partial Denitrification Anammox (ePdNA) Process for Reverse Osmosis Concentrate (ROC) Treatment, funded by Water Research Foundation, along with Yewei Sun (PI) from Hazen & Sawyer and Huiyuan Zhu from University of Virginia. $100,000 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) 3/24 – 2/27 $150,000 Bioprocessing and bioengineering PARTNERSHIP: Sustainable processing of food waste to high value energy storage material, funded by United States Department of Agriculture, along with Sandeep Kumar (PI) from Old Dominion University, Yi Zheng from Kansas State University, and Rajesh V Shende from South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, $800,000 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $277,914 7/24 – 6/27 Recycle plastic waste using engineered yeasts displaying plastic-degrading enzymes as a whole-cell biocatalyst, funded by United States Department of Agriculture, along with Juhong Chen (PI) from University of California, Riverside, Haibo Huang and Clay Wright from Virginia Tech, $650,000 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $78,446 1/24 – 1/25 Convergence Accelerator Track M: Bioinspired and Biocatalytic Degradation of Forever Chemicals, funded by National Science Foundation, along with Chao Zhou (PI) and Dimin Fan from Geosyntec Consultants, Inc., Yujie Men from University of California, Riverside, and Dongye Zhao from San Diego State University, $749,961 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $25,000 6/24 – 6/25 Acquisition of a microfiltration system for enhancing pilot-scale animal nutrition research, funded by Pratt Endowment Fund
- CAWRI (PI) $50,000 01/2024-12/2024, Full-scale Recalcitrant Nitrogen Control with Ferric Chloride Addition Prior to Belt Filter Press Dewatering of Thermal Hydrolysis Pretreatment-Enhanced Anaerobic Digester Effluent, funded by Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
- CAWRI (PI) $50,000 01/2024-12/2024, Seasonal effect on biosolid biodegradability, funded by Arlington County
- CAWRI (PI) $50,000 01/2024-12/2024, Full-scale demonstration of sludge densification by hydrocyclones in H.L. Mooney Advanced Water Reclamation Facility, funded by Prince William County Service Authority
- CAWRI (PI) $50,000 01/2024-12/2024, High temperature biosolids treatment technology for PFAS destruction, funded by AlexRenew Enterprise
2023 Funding: $1,244,109 share
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $184,998 3/2023 – 4/2025 Pilot-scale demonstration of an advanced biotechnology for treating toxic wastewater produced in the biofuel industry, funded by National Science Foundation, along with Haibo Huang from Virginia Tech, Yi Zheng from Kansas State University, and Sandeep Kumar from Old Dominion University, $249,998 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $252,011 7/2023 – 6/2026, Partnership: Leveraging anaerobic ammonium oxidation for sustainable aquaculture, funded by United States Department of Agriculture, along with David Kuhn (PI), Stephen Smith, and Ann M Stevens from Virginia Tech and Bethany Klemetsrud from University of North Dakota, $799,999 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $25,000 04/2023- 06/2024, Building an interdisciplinary team to achieve cost-effective conversion of food waste to bioplastics, funded by 2023 CALS Strategic Plan Advancement – Integrated Internal Competitive Seed Grants Program, along with Haibo Huang, Young Kim, and Erin Ling from Virginia Tech, $75,000 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $10,000 $25,000 04/2023- 06/2024, Convert brewer’s spent grain into high-value protein and dietary fiber to support the Virginia bioeconomy, funded by 2023 CALS Strategic Plan Advancement – Integrated Internal Competitive Seed Grants Program, along with Haibo Huang (PI), Yiming Feng, Jactone Ogejo, and Xueqian Su from Virginia Tech, $47,000 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $10,000 7/2023 – 6/2024 Hyperspectral imaging for the real-time detection of microplastic particles in seafoods, funded by 4-VA Competitive Research Grants, along with Yiming Feng (PI), Sandeep Kumar at Old Dominion University, and Benoit Van Aken at George Mason University. $40,000 in total
- CAWRI (PI) $65,000 01/2023-12/2023, Recalcitrant Nitrogen Control with Aluminum Addition Prior to Belt Filter Press Dewatering of Thermal Hydrolysis Pretreatment-Enhanced Anaerobic Digester Effluent, funded by Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
- CAWRI (PI) $50,000 01/2023-12/2023, Pilot scale understanding of the dewaterability of sludge to be produced from thermal hydrolysis and mesophilic anaerobic digestion at Arlington Water Pollution Control Plant, funded by Arlington County
- CAWRI (PI) $50,000 01/2023-12/2023, Full-scale demonstration of sludge densification by hydrocyclones in H.L. Mooney Advanced Water Reclamation Facility, funded by Prince William County Service Authority
- CAWRI (PI) $50,000 01/2023-12/2023, Partial denitrification anammox in the secondary treatment system, funded by AlexRenew Enterprise
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $5,000 07/2023-06/2024, The role of the air-water interface in breakthrough of PFAS and phthalate esters during wastewater treatment, funded by 4-VA Competitive Research Grants, along with Kirin E. Furst (PI) at George Mason University. $24,985 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $5,000 07/2023-06/2024, Protection of RNA by Association with Macromolecules: Implications for Wastewater Based Epidemiology, funded by 4-VA Competitive Research Grants, along with Benoit Van Aken (PI) at George Mason University. $24,989 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $37,100 7/13/23-7/12/24, Franklin’s Southeastern Wastewater Capacity Project, funded by Hazen & Sawyer
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $500,000 10/2023 – 9/2026, Integrating reverse A2O and anammox with arrested anaerobic digestion to reduce greenhouse emission from water resource recovery facilities, along with Yebo Li: (PI) and Xumeng Ge from Quasar Energy Group, Zhiqiang Hu and Sanjeev Khanna from University of Missouri, Violeta Sanchez i Nogue from National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and Yewei Sun from Hazen & Sawyer. $2,500,000 in total
2022 Funding: $1,008,675 share
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $663,837 01/2023- 12/2025, Pilot demonstration of a modular bioprocess system for manufacturing consumer bioplastic products from food wastes, funded by U.S. Department of Agriculture, along with Young Kim and Haibo Huang from Virginia Tech, Caixia Wan from University of Missouri Columbia, Mark Wright from Iowa State University, and Yebo Li, Xumeng Ge from quasar Energy Group, $2,400,874 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (Site-PI) $40,000 05/2023 – 04/2024, Low-temperature Catalytic Thermal Treatment and Microwave, funded by Department of Defense, along with Fen Xiao (PI) at University of Missouri Columbia and Wen Zhang at New Jersey Institute of Technology, $200,000 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $83,338 02/2023- 01/2024, Continuous Flow Aerobic Granulation Study Phase V, funded by Upper Occoquan Service Authority
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $55,000 09/2022 – 03/2023, Digestibility, Dewaterability, and Drying Property Evaluation for Morris Forman Biosolids Processing Solution, funded by Louisville MSD
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $33,833 01/2022-5/2022, Potential impact of the recalcitrant dissolved organic nitrogen formation as a result of the thermal hydrolysis on the Loudoun Water reclamation plant operation, funded by Loudoun Water
- CAWRI (PI) $50,000 01/2022-12/2022, Partial denitrification anammox feasibility study, funded by AlexRenew Enterprise
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $1,500 1/2023-12/2024, Mentoring Network Connection with Regional Campuses, funded by Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost
2021 Funding: $802,710 share
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $412,000 10/2021-9/2025, Systematic Characterization of Variability in MSW Streams to Identify Critical Material Attributes for Fuel Production (DE-EE0009667), funded by Department of Energy, along with Stephanie Lansing (PI) at University of Maryland, Allison E. Ray, Ling Ding, and Kuan-Ting Lin at Idaho National Lab, Xumeng Ge and Yebo Li at quasar energy group, Fei Yu at Mississippi State University, Zhongtang Yu at Ohio State University, Darrin Dillah and Parita Shah at SCS Engineers. $3,411,838 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $90,000 6/2021-5/2022, Nitrogen Reduction Technology Solutions for Ocean Discharges, funded by Water Research Foundation (WRF 5133)
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $21,410 4/2021-12/2021, Continuous Upflow Selector for Continuous Flow Aerobic Granulation, funded by Hampton Roads Sanitation District
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $19,300 01/2021-06/2021, Continuous Flow Aerobic Granulation Phase IV study, funded by Upper Occoquan Service Authority
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $10,000 03/2021-06/2022, A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mediate the Phosphorus Crisis, funded by College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, along with Glenda Gillaspy (PI), Kurt Stephenson; and David Sample at Virginia Tech. $60,000 in total
- CAWRI (PI) $100,000 01/2021-12/2022, Effects of primary sludge blending and alum addition on anaerobic digestion of alum-laden waste activated sludge, funded by Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
- CAWRI (PI) $100,000 01/2021-12/2022, Effect of solids retention times on the performance of thermal hydrolysis pretreated mesophilic anaerobic digestion system, funded by Arlington County
- CAWRI (PI) $50,000 01/2021-12/2021, The benefits and pitfalls of using biosolids and treated wastewater for apple production, Sponsor: Alexandria Renew Enterprises
2020 Funding: $814,192 share
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $348,501 10/2020-9/2023, Innovative Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) Production with Microbial Electrochemical Technology (MET) Incorporation for Community-Scale Waste Valorization (DE-EE0009268) funded by Department of Energy, along with Stephanie Lansing (PI) at University of Maryland, Matthew Yates at Naval Research Lab, Bradley Wahlen and Hongqiang Hu at Idaho National Lab, Xumeng Ge and Yebo Li at quasar energy group. $1,985,230 in totalDuration: 10/1/2020-9/30/2023
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $100,000 09/2020-08/2021, Effects of Carbon Source and C:N Ratio on Partial Denitrification/Anammox in MBBR, funded by Fairfax County and Hazen & Sawyer
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $29,501 08/2020-03/2022, Continuous Flow Aerobic Granulation Phase III study, funded by Upper Occoquan Service Authority
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $176,190 7/2020-6/2024, Collaborative Research: A novel biological valorization of hydrothermal liquefaction wastewater with marine protist and its granulated phenotype, funded by National Science Foundation (2001568), along with Yi Zheng at Kansas State University and Sandeep Kumar at Old Dominion University
- CAWRI (PI) $50,000 01/2020-12/2020, Sustainable urban farming system. Sponsor: Alexandria Renew Enterprises
- CAWRI (PI) $100,000 01/2020-12/2020, Impacts of aluminum- and iron-based coagulants on municipal sludge anaerobic digestibility, dewaterability, and odor emission, funded by Arlington County & Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $10,000 01/2020-06/2022, Innovative Biological and Physicochemical Removal of Per- and Polyfluoalkyl Substances (PFAS) from Wastewater – A Platform for Building Long Term Partnerships between VT and NC A&T in Water Treatment Technologies, funded by ICTAS Diversity, along with Kang Xia (PI) at Virginia Tech. $20,000 in total
2019 Funding: $441,624 share
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $53,000 05/2019-12/2020, Continuous Flow Aerobic Granulation Phase II study, funded by Upper Occoquan Service Authority
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $5,000 7/2019-12/2020, Molecular Biology Methods for Understanding Aerobic Granulation in Wastewater Treatment Systems, funded by 4-VA Competitive Research Grants, along with Benoit Van Aken (PI) at George Mason University. $30,000 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $25,000 6/2019-5/2020 , A test of method to maintain the uninterrupted high ammonia removal efficiency during the bioreactor startup for continuous flow aerobic granulation in real municipal wastewater, funded by Hampton Roads Sanitation District
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $139,156 09/2019-06/2022, A novel anaerobic digestion system with water recirculation to treat poultry litter for struvite and biogas production, funded by U.S. Department of Agriculture (2019-67021-29945), along with Jun Zhu (PI) at University of Arkansas, and Xiao Wu at University of Idaho. $457,011 in total
- CAWRI (PI) $50,000 02/2019-12/2019, Identification of the Source and Cause of the Biosolids Odor Emission in Western Branch Water Resource Recovery Facility, funded by Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $101,968 06/2019-12/2021, Potential impact of the recalcitrant dissolved organic nitrogen formation as a result of the thermal hydrolysis on the Loudoun Water reclamation plant operation, funded by Loudoun Water
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $37,500 07/2019-06/2021, A Transdisciplinary Approach to Phosphorus Reclamation, funded by ICTAS TOP, along with Glenda Gillaspy (PI), Jim Owen, and David Sample at Virginia Tech. $150,000 in total
2018 Funding: $354,184 share
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $31,500 08/2018-08/2019, Virginia Tech HRSD SWIFT Collaboration: BAC/GAC Pilot and Soil Aquifer Treatment Studies, funded by Hampton Roads Sanitation District, along with Amy Pruden (PI), John Novak, and Mark Widdowson $271,500 in total
- Zhiwu Zhiwu Wang (PI) $75,000 02/2018-07/2020, Continuous Flow Aerobic Granulation Phase I study, funded by Upper Occoquan Service Authority
- Zhiwu Wang (Co-PI) $114,530 01/2018-12/2021, Synergistic integration of the biogranulation theory into advanced membrane bioreactors for value-added chemicals production from food waste, funded by USDA-NIFA (2018-67021-27895), along with Haibo Huang (PI) at Virginia Tech and Danmeng Shuai at The George Washington University. $327,517 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $23,154 07/2018-06/2019, Turning phosphorus pollution into a marketable product by using fungi, funded by Virginia Agricultural Council
- CAWRI (PI) $100,000 02/2017-12/2019, Effect of temperature-phased anaerobic digestion on the process intensification of biosolids anaerobic digestion, funded by AlexRenew Enterprise & Arlington County
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $10,000 01/2018 -06/2018, Quenching quorum sensing molecules for biofilm control: A collaborative study between Virginia Tech and Howard University, funded by ICTAS Diversity & Inclusion Seed Grant
2017 Funding: $209,742 share
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $34,548 08/2017-08/2018, Verification of the long-term stability of partial nitritation in stratified aerobic granules under high residual ammonium concentration, funded by Hampton Roads Sanitation District
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $9,000 01/2017-05/2017, DC Water study of microbial effects from point of use filters, funded by DCWater
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $35,343 06/2017-02/2018, Effect of cerium addition on sludge dewatering using centrifuge, funded by Upper Occoquan Service Authority
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $8,000 05/2017-08/2017, Develop an asynchronous, online version of CEE 3104 – Introduction to Environmental Engineering, funded by TLOS course Design and Develop Award
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $20,000 01/2017 -12/2017, A 4-VA collaborative study of wetland resilience to nitrogen pollutant loading, funded by 4-VA Competitive Research Grants, along with Changwoo Ahn at George Mason University, and Xixi Wang at Old Dominion University. $25,000 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $9,000 01/2017-05/2017, DC Water study of microbial effects from point of use filters, funded by DCWater
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $24,957 07/2017- 06/2018, Turn mushrooms into stormwater treatment tools through 4-VA collaborative effort, funded by 4-VA Competitive Research Grants, along with Changwoo Ahn at George Mason University, Xixi Wang at Old Dominion University, and Fernando A. Tenjo-Fernandez at Virginia Commonwealth University. $29,957 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $43,937 08/2017-05/2018, DC Water Biostability Operations Study, funded by DCWater
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $24,957 07/2017- 06/2018, Turn mushrooms into stormwater treatment tools through 4-VA collaborative effort, funded by 4-VA Competitive Research Grants, along with Changwoo Ahn at George Mason University, Xixi Wang at Old Dominion University, and Fernando A. Tenjo-Fernandez at Virginia Commonwealth University. $29,957 in total
2016 Funding: $135,569 share
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $33,301 10/16-11/2017 , Quantification of extracellular polysaccharides and protein of biofilms on granular activated carbon, funded by Hazen & Sawyer
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $10,000 12/2016-5/2017, Investigation of biofiltration and activated carbon performance for potable water reuse, funded by Upper Occoquan Service Authority
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $70,772 08/2016-08/2017, Anaerobic digestion studies at Arlington County water pollution control plant, funded by Arlington County
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $20,000 01/2016- 12/2016, Biological nitrogen removal of stormwater: a 4-VA collaborative study, funded by 4-VA Competitive Research Grants, along with Changwoo Ahn at George Mason University, and Xixi Wang at Old Dominion University. $29,957 in total
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $1,496 9/2016-9/2016, Mentoring Network Connection with Regional Campuses, funded by Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost
Prior to Virginia Tech: $762,416 share
- Zhiwu Wang (PI) $762,416 01/2011-08/2015, Bioenergy: A Model Workforce Education Program, funded by National Science Foundation (1103995), along with Steven Neal, Shahrokh Rahnema, and Thomas Janini in the Ohio State University